Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Newfoundland weather ...

We have ferry tickets to depart today ... but the weather decided to play Newfoundland with us.  The Wreckhouse Winds are upon us, so the ferry will stay in dock and not depart until tomorrow ... weather permitting!  

Here's where we are, at Port-aux-Basques, the ferry terminal to Nova Scotia:

Port-aux-Basques yesterday, before the weather change ...

Read about the Wreckhouse Winds, and a CBC news article from 2008, illustrating their force .  The term "Wreckhouse Winds" was actually added to the Canadian Oxford English Dictionary in 2004, referring to these specific winds in southwestern Newfoundland!  Environment Canada's weather advisory for today says the following:


Channel-Port aux Basques and vicinity
10:45 AM NDT Tuesday 03 September 2013
Wreckhouse wind warning for 
Channel-Port aux Basques and vicinity continued

Southeasterly wind gusts of 100 km/h are expected in the Wreckhouse area today and tonight.

This is a warning that potentially hazardous winds are expected in the Wreckhouse area of Southwestern Newfoundland. Monitor weather conditions..listen for updated statements.

A trough of low pressure over Quebec will track northeastward over Newfoundland tonight before moving off to the north on Wednesday. Southeasterly wind gusts near 100 km/h are currently being reported in the Wreckhouse area. These strong winds will persist through this afternoon and tonight before subsiding on Wednesday morning as they veer to the southwest. 

We'll happily stay put in Port-aux-Basques for the day, thanks!  We love public libraries throughout Canada, and there is one here in Port-aux-Basques, where we are, so you might get an extra blog out of us today!

Newfoundlanders are indeed among the friendliest folks we've met on the trip overall.  As we were getting ready to leave the ferry terminal to spend the day elsewhere, Mr. Fred Wells engaged us in a chat ... which took close to an hour, and gave each of us a wonderful photo tour on his digital camera of the houses and decks he's built, the snowmobile he loves to drive ... and all since he retired 4 years ago from being a Highways Department supervisor, checking the condition of the highways in this region!

Fred Wells and his wife, in the ferry lineup, before we each left for the day

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