Friday, July 12, 2013

Wandering Thoughts - Surrinder

Sometimes, thoughts come in short sentences.

A single step.
Long walks.
Beginnings and endings.
And, no place. Far from home.

Leaves fluttering, green upon (many shades of) green.
Inside the hibiscus blooms.
Luscious pink petals, deep red veins
The dark branches reach for the light.
My heart awakens
Unexpected splendour.

A new place.
Unknown figures and streets.
Yet, seem so familiar.
Activities continue all around.
I cook.
We eat.

Water sparkles on the pavement.
Rain pounds down.
Replenishing the lakes and rivers.
Dirt washes away.
To reveal another fresh morning.

Seeking shelter from the storm.
Weary from the long days upon the road.
Thankful for the hot tea.
Nutritious breakfast.
Quiet sanctuary.
Serene thoughts,
Respite from the road.
We are all we have lived.
Composed products.
Discard the rubbish.
Keep and cherish the best.

Change of state.
Change of pace.
Change of perspective.
Time to complete the journys.
Write the words, sentences,
Sort the photographs.
The book is written.
The final chapters await.

To be continued ...

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